What’s in a name? How to lead as an outsider
Talking with Kathryn Zox
Kathryn Zox starts with the question of what does the r. stand for and ends with questions about current higher education leadership
Interview with Noel McDermott, Well Being Show
Wide-ranging talk with Dr. McDermott on intersectionality, leadership and resilience
Profile in Jewish Telegraph
Great article, but three corrections need to be made, marked by highlights. Two references to protests incorrectly indicate the protests were at Drake University; they were at Duke University. Finally, I did not participate in the sit-in at President Doug Knight's...
Interview with Larry Mendte, WOR
Evan Bray interview June 12
I share my thoughts with Evan Bray about the current protests on Canadian and American campuses.
Quoted in Inside Higher Education Article on Jewish Presidents Navigating Protests
I was pleased to be included in this article on the special pressures experienced by presidents who are Jewish during the current protests on college and university campuses. I believe that those pressures are similar to those experienced by colleagues from...
Review in Reviewer’s Bookwatch, Midwest Review of Books
In Reviewer’s Bookwatch, Volume 24, Number 6 (June 2024) Midwest Review of Books Susan Bethany's Bookshelf Experience Is the Angled Road R. Barbara Gitenstein Koehler Books www.koehlerbooks.com 9781646637539, $25.95, HC, 234pp...
Garden State Woman Interview
Interview with R. Barbara Gitenstein, First Female and First Jewish President of The College of New Jersey Judy's Blog Avani Jimenez Monday, 10 June 2024 53 Hits 0 Comments R. Barbara Gitenstein is a leader, a trailblazer that exemplifies dedication and...
Success Made to Last Interview